Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Mediterranean Chicken

This recipe is so delicious! If you buy this cookbook this is a definite must make recipe your family will enjoy on countless nights. The recipe can be found on page 152. I did not make the added sides that are listed with this flavor-packed chicken. Instead I chose to make garlic mashed potatoes and a salad with homemade vinegarette. (See Photo) The mashed potatoes are made from a package you buy at Trader Joe's in the freezer - they come as medallions that melt into the best mashed potatoes(not pictured, as for the rest of us). On the plate (my husband's) was some roasted red potatoes with green/red peppers, and onions: 1 Tbsp of olive oil in a fry pan, add the potatoes or use frozen (watch the ingredients - no added chemicals or salt), cook about 6 minutes, add the peppers and onions and continue cooking over medium for another 5 minutes. Back to the mashed potatoes, I added some garlic powder and a garlic rosemary seasoning to mimic some of the chicken flavors, I use 1/4 Tbsp butter and 24 medallions along with 1/4c. of water to get a great consistency and great flavor. The Salad mix was on sale for .99, but I start the bowl with a few good dashes of garlic wine vinegar, 1/2 Tbsp olive oil, salt, pepper, a little garlic rosemary seasoning, and whisk it and then swirl it around the bowl to cover the sides and bottom well. Next throw in 1/2 the bag of lettuce mix which is romaine, frisee, radicchio, and carrots. Use your clean dry hands or tongs to toss all around and wipe sides with salad mix. Serve as a little side salad on plate. If wish can top with some slices of lightly seasoned roma tomatoes

The chicken recipe infuses garlic into olive oil with salt, pepper, lemon juice, and rosemary - lots of natural aroma and mediterranean flavors into one amazing marinade for boneless skinless chicken breasts. Whatever you couple the chicken with try carrying these flavors through into the other dishes you serve to enjoy a pleasurable dining experience.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

A journey into the cookbooks....

I am inspired today.... By a commercial for an upcoming movie. What an awesome idea, I thought; as I watched this mini trailer. Julia vs. Julie you guessed it. What a way to blog and keep notes on various recipes I try. What a fabulous way to try out a diet book that is also a mini series on cable. I can vent my triumphants and my weaknesses and my likes and dislikes as I make my way through each inch of this book. AND depending on how it goes I may just try another and another and another... cookbook that is. First on my list to attempt is..."Cook Yourself Thin," as I just purchased this cookbook, along with another that both seemed very interesting in concept. So this will be a diet and cookbook journey combined for starters and away we will go! I love to cook, and I beginning to love to write - especially about recipes and cookbooks, reality TV, HGTV, and the foodnetwork. So please join me on my journey that starts... right here, right now! Photos and all homemade food in photos are prepared by me - have a question, ask me. The steak fries pictured here are the best - ask me for the recipe! :) Have an amazing day!